"Tarot is life, magic is alive and signs are
everywhere if you know how to look."
Sasha was born just after midnight on a chilly Halloween night in NY state's Adirondack Mountains. She lived in a variety of places with her eclectic family from dusty Iowa pig farms, to craggy Colorado canyons, to Vermont's lush Green Mountains, to fertile New Jersey produce farms and many other random stops along the way.
Desperate for culture and hungry for urban life, Sasha moved herself to New York City at age seventeen to pursue a career in acting. Sasha originated feisty, blood sucking roles a cast member in La Commedia Del Sangue: Vampyr Theatre, a weekly vampire play performed in Gotham theaters, bars and clubs. She would go on star in over fifteen b-horror films, playing gargoyles, werewolves, aliens, more vampires and even a mafia hit woman.
Sasha received a BA in Literature and Religion at Hunter College and began her work with tarot. She joined the Tarot School and opened a private reading practice. Sasha quickly found work with the fashion and media set, becoming a staple at Fashion's Night Out and serving clients such as Burt's Bees, M. Missoni and Christian Loubouitin.
Sasha conceived and produced tarot events The Metropolitan Museum of Art and The Morgan Library. She brought the tarot community behind the scenes with curators and educators. Rare Visconti, Marseille and Minchiate cards along with uncut Italian card sheets were unveiled. These treasures, previously shuttered in museum archives and unavailable to the public were examined and considered in a modern context.
Sasha is proud of her Tarot Outreach Program. Sasha's first ever of it's kind outreach was developed for New York City's at-risk, inner city youth. Working with kids who were transitioning out of the foster care system, Sasha used tarot and symbol as the igniting point of nurturing personal intuition. She taught that trust in oneself can be rebuilt. This trust can be used to empower a population robbed of stability and security.
Sasha and her work have been featured in documentaries and media outlets such as Sirius XM Radio, The Wall Street Journal, The Daily News and was the first tarot reader to ever be featured in the cover of Crain's New York Business. Sasha is a She Knows expert and contributor. Sasha appeared as a regular guest on the WPIX Channel 11 Morning News, reading tarot on pop culture topics and celebrities and wrote a weekly Tarot column for Marie Claire.
Sasha is the author of Llewellyn's Tarot Diva, 365 Tarot Spreads, 365 Tarot Spells and served as editor and contributing writer of Lo Scarabeo's Tarot Fundamentals, Tarot Experience and Tarot Compendium. She is currently working on Llewellyn's Complete Guide to the Rider Waite Smith Tarot, hitting shelves in 2018. She is creating her first tarot deck with Marvel and Disney artist Mirco Pierfederici, The Haunted House Tarot. It will be released by Lo Scarabeo in 2018.
Sasha, her husband and daughter split their time between Manhattan and the eerily gothic, "Jane Eyresque" landscape of upstate New York.
For literary quesitons regarding books or IP licsening, please contact Jl Stermer: stermerjl@unitedtalent