7 Party Ideas for Throwing a Groovy Karma, Fabulous Future, Mystical Themed New Year's Eve Party
Looking to spread some magic this New Year?
Want to start the New Year right?
Throw a Good Fortune, Fabulous Future, Great Karma New Years Eve Party.

1). Instant Karma.
Everyone knows, you get what you give. Remind guests to pay it forward for the New Year. Select your favorite charity. Ask guests, in advance, to donate cash and checks upon arrival. Remind them that what they put out to the universe comes back to them threefold!

2). Fabulous Future.
Hire a fortune teller, card reader, tea leaf reader or reiki expert to give mini readings or treatments to guests. Ask your friends if they have any groovy metaphysical gifts they might share with the group or set out some Tarot Cards and guide books and have guests read each other (its not as hard as you think).

3). Sweet Messages.
Leave fortune cookies scattered around the party for guests to discover.

4). Magic Candles
Have guests carve their, name, astrological sign and wish onto a colored pillar candle with a wooden skewer. Rub with oil (olive oil or a magical mixture) and decorate with colored glitter.
Red = Love/Passion
Green = Money/Career
Purple = Intuitiveness/3rd Eye
White = Anything at all.
Guests take their candles home and light to make their wish come true.

5) Creative Kids
Enlist children ahead of time or have guests make paper origami fortune tellers (also known as Cootie Catchers) and leave them around the party. Click here for instructions for making.

6) Contact the Spirits
Pull out the Ouija boards, place them around and let guests discover what the spirits have to say.

This is a Ouija board created in 1894! How cool is that?
7). Get Rid of Pesky Old Habits
Offer paper and pens so guests can write down the persky habit or behavior they want to get rid of. Have them toss into the fireplace or bonfire to eliminate their habit for the new year.

Looking for more magical ideas?
Check out my website at sashagraham.com.
Happy New Year!